Norcia Insurance Consultants - (866) 512-LOSS

Common Winter Home Damage & What to Do

There are many damages that can occur to a home in the fall and winter months. In the event of a storm or other damage, first make sure everyone is safe. Once you’ve ensured everyone’s safety, contact your insurance agent or your insurance claims adjuster for instructions on what to do until they arrive. You can begin preparing an inventory of personal property damaged and take pictures of any damage to the property. Our insurance claims professionals from Norcia can do all of this for you as well. We are the trusted insurance consultants for Minnesota and we are here to provide you with a list of possible home damages to be aware of this winter.

insurance consultants Minnesota

Ice Dams

While once thought of as a problem with the roofing or ventilation, ice dams are actually caused by the presence of warm, moist air in the attic, combined with snow on the roof and the right weather conditions. Ice dams occur when heat gets into the attic and then melts the underside of the snow on the roof. This melted snow then flows down the roof until it reaches a cold spot like the eaves or soffit and forms a frozen dam where additional snowmelt and ice build up. Then, the ice buildup can back up under the shingles, damaging them and allowing water to leak into the ceilings and walls beneath.

Roof Damage

Roof damage insurance claims can be tricky. Some roof damage is always covered by a home insurance policy, while other roof damage is not. Most home insurance policies cover unexpected roof damage like hail damage, fallen debris and the like. If your roof was damaged in a storm, then your home insurance should cover the cost of repairing your roof to its pre-loss condition. To get professional repairs you can depend on, JTR Roofing offers top notch roofing and siding repair for area residents.

Tree Limbs

When heavy rains, wind or a falling tree limbs wreak havoc, your first step is to make sure everyone is safe and your home is safe to be in. Do not go outside if it is still storming or if it’s possible tree limbs could still break and fall, even if you suspect your home or property has been damaged. Wait until the weather clears up and it is safe to venture outdoors. 

Damage to your home from fallen trees is usually covered under most homeowners’ policies. Most companies will pay to have trees removed from the damaged structure however not all companies will do so.

When it comes to your parked vehicle, your comprehensive automobile insurance will cover damage that occurs there. 

To learn more about our insurance consultants serving Minnesota, call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677), or you can contact us to set up your Free Consultation.