Norcia Insurance Consultants - (866) 512-LOSS

How Public Adjusters Can Help after a Disaster

Natural disasters –those unforeseen, oft described as acts of God, events that have a way of irrevocably changing life, as we know it. It might be a fire that eliminates all the pictures, family mementos or business records, a flood that destroys all it comes in contact with, or a devastating tornado that leaves you trying to determine where to turn and how to proceed. However, with insurance, you can begin to move forward.

Sadly, though, there are times that the insurance you thought would be there to help you in your time of need, doesn’t deliver. Should this occur, you will need to work with a third party insurance adjuster. Third party insurance adjusters are there to help you get the monies you need. They will prepare a comprehensive assessment of all the damage to your home, business and other assets then present your claim to the insurance company. They will work with the insurance company to ensure that you get the full amount needed to make the repairs, pay for any medical assistance, etc. that you have. A third party insurance adjuster will be there with you throughout the entire insurance claims process. They will be able to answer your questions so you can move forward as quickly as possible.

A third party insurance adjuster is also able to study your insurance policy and help determine if the types of coverage you are carrying will be enough to help you get the amount of money you would need in the event of an emergency. Most homeowners are not insurance experts and as a result, they choose a policy that would leave them severely uncovered should they be faced with a natural disaster. Talking to a third party insurance adjuster is a great way to take a proactive approach to a potential problem.

Disaster recovery can be traumatizing. You are reeling from the emotional affects, trying to grasp the financial loss involved and may even be dealing with a physical injury, so finding the energy to handle the other elements is virtually impossible. Enter the insurance adjuster. These people are specifically trained to help you pick up the pieces of what “once was” and help you begin turning it into “what it will be.” They know how to deal with an insurance company that is dragging its feet, so that you can begin moving forward again and they are there to help you each step of the way.